Create your new rails project
rails new myapp
cd myapp
Get git initialized
git init
Edit your .gitignore file to include some more options
vi .gitignore
Add this:
# Added from
Now add the files to git and commit
git add .
git commit -a -m 'initial commit'
Edit your Gemfile and uncomment capistrano then run:
bundle install
Now we’re gonna “capify” the application, run:
capify .
You should see this output:
[add] writing './Capfile'
[add] writing './config/deploy.rb'
[done] capified!
Capistrano logs into your production servers and checks out the latest version of your production branch, we need to get our app onto a scm server that the production server has access to. I’m going to use as the example, but it could be anywhere.
git remote add origin
git push origin master