Thomas Mullaly

DevOps, Security and IT Leadership

Ruby on Rails at UMB

Ruby on Rails Links for CS410

Production Rails Server for CS410

Development Environment Help

I’ve installed rvm globally on each linux workstation.

First, make sure you speak with me first, I need to add you into the proper unix group.

  1. Check your group to make sure you are in the rvm group
tmullaly@yel:~$ id
uid=7265(tmullaly) gid=10241(ugrad) groups=10241(ugrad),1080(cs108-1),20106(rvm)
  1. Add this rvm directive to your .bashrc
[[ -s "/etc/profile.d/" ]] && . "/etc/profile.d/" # Load RVM function
  1. Logout and log back in to make sure your .bashrc has been sourced

  2. Check to see if ruby and gem is now in your path

tmullaly@yel:~$ which ruby
tmullaly@yel:~$ which gem
  1. Check what gems are installed
tmullaly@yel:~$ gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

bundler (1.3.0)
rake (10.0.3)
rubygems-bundler (1.1.1)
rvm (
  1. install rails, or whatever gem you need
gem install rails

Gems get install globally per machine, if you install a gem on red, I can use it. If you install a gem on blue and then you login to cyan, you need to install it again.

Here are some more notes to update to a newer version of rvm and/or ruby

rvm get stable
rvm install ruby
rvm --default use 2.0.0